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Sale of guns and lances for professional washing

Guns and lances

The products of the best brands for water flow control in professional washing applications

Emiltec dedicates a large part of its catalogue to the guns and lances of the best brands on the market and designed to work with the most popular washing systems. These products are distinguished by high quality features that facilitate professional washing operations. Hand held by the operator, the high pressure gun allows the user to instantly stop the water flow by simply releasing the trigger. The main features that reduce operator fatigue, even in the case of high pressure and flow, are the reduced opening force of the trigger and the ergonomic design. Strict quality and construction standards guarantee the safety of the products offered.

But why choose Emiltec? To be truly effective, the choice of the correct gun must be made according to performance and construction material. In addition to proposing various solutions from the best brands, Emiltec staff guides the customer in choosing the most appropriate product for specific needs.

The brands proposed

The guns and lances proposed by Emiltec find application in professional work contexts and are suitable for continuous use, thanks to the ergonomic design and the quality of the materials.  Emiltec offers different types of lances and guns, from brands such as:

  • R + M
  • Tecomec
  • PA
  • Mtm

There are also models produced by our partners exclusively for Emiltec and with our brand.